Sunday, November 16, 2008

Can he save the world?

It seems as though America has a new religion- Obamania.

The thing that has intrigued me has been the role of "rescuer" that has been attributed to the dude. The expectations that have been placed upon the guy are enormous! The guy must feel the weight of the world upon his shoulders.

I find it fascinating that we look for heroes like Obama to save and rescue us. At our great time of need we look for heroes to give us hope.

This is one reason why I find superheroes so fascinating. Did you know that Superman was first published in 1938- that's on the end of the Great Depression. After a time of hopelessness, the Man of Steel gave us hope. He inspired us in our time of need.

Given the current financial crisis, which has been likened to the Great Depression, what heroes will we turn to? Who will inspire us and give us hope? Who will protect us?

We recognise that deep within us we cannot save ourselves. We need someone to pull us out of the slim we have fallen into. Who will save our world?

In my hour of desperation, I want someone to say "not if I can help it" to me!