Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Morning in the Library

I love Januarys…things are a bit slower, there is space to think and plan, weather is awesome (hot I know- smokey air at the moment from the fires, but as I type, much needed rain falls). All point to the fact that summer is well and truly here.

I decided to try and get ahead in my sermon work today. I love going to the local library with my lap top, studying the Bible and trying to think deeply about this week’s passage. No phone calls to interrupt me, no emails. Pure escape. I also enjoy the fact that people are anonymously around me while I work, and I can listen to the babble of kids trying to find a fun holiday book, and mothers trying to keep control over them while I get down to some serious exegesis.

While I was sitting there, an elderly chap saw that I had my Bible open and asked me, ‘doing some research?’
‘Yeah’, I said. ‘I’m writing a sermon’.
He looked a little surprised at me. ‘Oh! Which church?’
I told him which church I was from.
‘Well, you might see me there sometime, you never know. What time is your church on?’
I not only told him what time church was on, but I (casually) gave him one of my cards with all the church details on it.

That made my day.

1 comment:

JT said...

So much for joining a sporting team, hey Dave - you just need to go to your local library! That's gold, mate.