Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Getting Old

On Sunday I was preaching from Ecclesiastes 12 and talking about growing old. I made a confession- I don't want to grow old. Im afraid of being feeble and helpless and not being able to do the things I do now.

Afterwards a older woman came up to me and said, 'Why are you afraid of growing old?'
'Well...I suppose its having the aches and pains and all that' I said.
'So what you are telling me David is that you are just a sooky!' was her reply.

I had no comeback.


Anonymous said...

what's a sooky?

Anonymous said...

I've checked my Australian-American dictionary, and I can't find the word "sooky" anywhere. Hmm . . . maybe it's next to "chuffed." : ) (what do you expect from a crazy American??) : )

JT said...

I've heard of 'sook', but 'sooky' is that much more onomatopoeic!

I'm becomming convinced it's not so much about what you can or can't do as much as who you're doing or not doing it with. Growing old is ok if there are people you love around you, as far as I can tell. Helplessness is worse with lonliness.

Dunno, what do you think?

Anonymous said...

hehe classic - cant argue with that! haha

Oh JT I think you are so right! lonliness is what makes it much worse...

Anonymous said...

Go old lady - you tell him! Dave, brave thing to be telling a congregation of older people, that you don't want to become like them...

David said...

noun:- a weak-willed person who is likely to burst into tears ad the slightest provocation. Also called a cry-baby.
('Sooky' is just a more pronounced version of sook!)
For more information, see the following sites:
Aussie Slang 1
Aussie Slang 2
Aussie Slang 3
The woman who said this is the kind of woman to call a ‘spade a spade’ (oops- again, see above sites…)

missmellifluous said...


As a sook, I appreciate that.

I also love that you included a definition. Very nice.