Friday, November 24, 2006


Ahh holidays...I just want to stay here...jogging every day by the water, swimming at the beach, reading novels and comics, drinking coffee...and 10 more days to go!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Say no to Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Last week the Australian Senate passed an amended Bill which could potentially allow for embryonic stem cell research. It has now passed onto the Lower House for discussion.

The problem I have with this Bill is that stem cell research involves cloning and killing embryos. And embryos are humans. And they are people made in the image of God.

Whatever you think about Bush, one thing I admire about him was that he fought for banning abortion, keeping the definition of marriage as between male and female, and banning stem cell research. And according to the SMH, stem cell research using discarded embryos is high on the Democratic agenda (a real issue now that they have a majority in the US Congress).

The problem is that this issue is highly emotive. Like the woman today who angrily said to me after church, 'I hope you're not going to make me sign that petition!' (We invited people to sign a petition that would be send to our Federal MPs against the cloning Bill). She seemed to be in favour of scientific advancement over killing embryos. Or maybe she didn't understand the consequences of stem cell research. I hope it was the latter. I don't know, she was too angry to discuss it.

But there are other arguments other than scientific advancement that are put forward in favour of embryonic stem cell research. People argue (rightly) that the embryo has no developed nervous system so it can't feel pain. But since when did a painless death justify murder? People argue that all kinds of diseases have the potential to be cured using stem cells. But since when does killing humans in order to save humans become right? People argue as well (I'm rusty on the scientific process involved in this) that cloning doesn't have to involve a sperm cell, so it is not really a human that is being created. But if the clone that is created has the potential to be a human, then you are still killing someone who was made in the image of God.

It will be a sad sad day when murder in the laboratory in the name of science is legalised. Pray it doesn't happen. And take action by writing to your local Federal MP.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Tonight was a rare chance for me to catch up with one of my friends- let’s call him Steveo. (Because that just happens to be what his real name). Ahhh Steveo. He is a friend who works hard at understanding me. I treasure his friendship. He asks me questions. He is interested in who I am. I’ve often wondered why we have remained friends for so long. (Over 10 years now). I think its because we laugh a lot. And we try and understand each other. (Mind you we’ve had our share of blues!) But most of all, we encourage each other to find our strength in Christ and be like Him. Treasure your friendships. Work at them. Take initiative. It’s worth it.

Friday, November 03, 2006

A Victim of Adultery

The following is a true story.

I passed a woman on the street in the city this morning. I know her husband cheated on her. Don’t ask me how I know her husband cheated on her, I just know. Trust me. I have good sources. She looked sad. I could see it on her face, but she couldn’t. She just looked at me as I walked by, kind of sad, kind of down. I’m sure she knew the relationship wasn’t what she thought it should be. I wonder if she blamed herself. I’m sure she knew something was up, but couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. Perhaps she even blames herself.

I wanted to tell her. I wanted to scream at her. ‘Don’t you know your husband cheated on you? Don’t you know he doesn’t want you to know?’ But obviously I didn’t. Its none of my business really. I’m not the moral police here.

Then I thought of the husband. What a terrible slavery to be part of for the rest of your life. To know you’ve done the dirty on your wife, and not to tell her. Now, who am I to throw stones. Goodness knows I’m no better. But it does make you stop and think- how wonderful it is to be saved- to walk in the light. To be able to freely admit your sin and to bask in God’s acceptance of you. To know that we are sinful, yet we are free to admit it. To God, yourself and each other.

How sad and pathetic it is to be hiding from each other, covering over our sins- especially from the people we love. This is slavery. This is ugly. This is why Christ died. And these are the things that Judgement Day will reveal and will leave us who have not been washed by the blood of the Lamb prostrate with embarrassment and shame.