Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sometimes Process Beats Destination

My dear reader, it is truly wonderful to know that you are still out there and taking in the words which now appear before your eyes. Life for me has been all systems go. The train has left the station. The eagle hasn’t landed. The fat lady has not yet even begun to sing. OK, I’m rambling. I’m musing. But that’s the title of this blog, and you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t at least a little bit interested in even the most obscure keystroke I have to offer you.

So let me see if I have anything to offer you, so that you can say that your time here was of some value to your day. Have you considered what makes reading this blog- this particular blog, worthwhile? Is it interest in the author’s life and happenings? Is it some insight into a subject that the author has, and how it applies to his specific situation? It could even be boredom that brings you here. At its worst, perhaps it is even be a form of voyeurism that brings you here, and apart from these words, the thoughts of the author are veiled from your mind.

Whatever the reason, dear reader, your interest means masses to me. I consider it pure altruism that you indulge me by your presence. How thoughtful of you to click on these pages and upload my words with interest, consider my thoughts, and perhaps even comment on the most archaic of my ramblings, hereby increasing my site meter count as well as my own self esteem.

So what insight can I offer you tonight? What possible words of wisdom will ‘random musings’ offer you? That, dear reader, is hard to say. For tonight presents a different kind of blog entry. This entry has no set purpose in mind. The aim here, dear reader, is to share my thoughts, as the blog name suggests, with randomness, but not at the expense of clarity. But you will need to be the judge of that. My habit has been to reflect before I speak. However tonight I find myself doing the opposite. I speak as I reflect. And I’m sure that you will agree that the result is rather...impetuous.

Now I’m all for spontaneity. Spontaneity wakes people up in the morning. Spontaneity provides unpredictability to an otherwise boring existence. Spontaneity breathes exhilaration into life and sucks up the mundane. Spontaneity is what keeps share market analysts employed.

So do not be alarmed dear reader. I have not lost my mind. I am merely celebrating an opportunity for a newly found spontaneity. Its an opportunity to start with a thought, and to enjoy the process of thought upon thought, without giving much thought to the final destination. Indeed, there does not have to be a significant distination. For process is what is important here. This process reminds me of when I was a child, and I would place a leaf in a flowing creek just after the rain, only to see where its destination would be. In once sense the destination did not matter, but the process of travel was important to observe. And I must say, that the enjoyment of the ride along the way can sometimes overshadow the importance of the destination. It should, for creativity sometimes needs to be an end within itself. And this is why modern art is highly subjective. The artist has enjoyed the process of creating, even if the end result is something you wouldn't hang up on a preschoolers wall. Don’t blame it all upon postmodernism, dear reader. The process involved in creativity does have its place.

Forgive my reflective and somewhat evasive mood this cold September evening. Some will read this and feel that the contents are not fit to line my dog's kennel. Others will enjoy the process and feel a warm heart at an update. But whoever you are, dear reader, I do owe you for the pleasure of allowing myself to indulge upon this rather poetically reflective mood I find myself in this evening. The process has been engaging and entertaining for at least one of us. Until next time, my dear reader...


Anonymous said...

dear writer, to your statement "The process involved in creativity does have its place." I simply say Amen Brother!!


aah the beauty of engaging with and endulging in that desire to create...

Anonymous said...

Misty you have either:
a) Spent too much time out in the sun
b) Spent too much time imbibing various illicit and non illicit mind altering substances
c) Been hit one too many times over the head by Kate
or d) have had a little too much thinking time recently.

Good to hear your well.

David said...

What about e)- being poetic and creative?

Anonymous said...

Heheh I have known you to long to give you a soft option out. :)

Kate mentioned something about muppets some time... whats the story there? Drop me an email sometime.

Anonymous said...

You have a lovely way with words, I felt happy as I was swept along with your thoughts

Anonymous said...

Cause he had obviously been hit too hard once too often and you are violent ;) (I even have proof).

How did muppets go? Sorry to miss it.