Monday, June 26, 2006

Field Report

Day 3.

Island exploration has commenced. The landscape is rocky, with bushlands and long deserted beaches. The ocean is unlike any Sydney beach I have seen- a clear, milky blue. We are down to our last can of tuna and 3 sausages. From now on, strict rations apply. In the meantime, our appetites can be satisfied by the abundance of oysters that populate the island. Tonight, our allusions of island exploration, survivial and isolation will be temporarily interrupted while we watch Australia play Italy with the other natives and marooned visitors.

End of field report.


JT said...

Dude, I am there with you!

(Stil trying to work out how clear a 'milky' blue could be, but it's making me imagine harder, oo yeah)


Kat said...

mmmm, sounds terrific :)

g' luck with that food thing, tho-- and that soccer thing, lol... let me know how that goes..


Anonymous said...


Keep an eye out for the headhunters mate - they are particularly nasty this time of year and from what Ive read, seem to take a liking to male caucasians looking like Gene Wilder.

Peace out!
Matt L