Sunday, February 04, 2007

Love Thy Neighbour...Share the Gospel with them!

On Saturday I was at a church planting conference. The speaker, Martin Robinson was sharing how he met some new non-Christian friends. Basically he decided to invited his neighbours, 10 doors on either side of him, over for a meal. What a great idea- in today's individualised society and isolated suburb that we live in it seems so foreign to do this! But its so essential if we are going to build bridges to people for the sake of the gospel. One woman piped up during the discussion and said that their church had set aside a weekend to spend getting to know their neighbours. I was quite inspired by their initiative!

These 2 testimonies stood out for me because I had said a week earlier to my congregations to spend time getting to know your neighbours. In my suburb, you'd be lucky to know your neighbour's name. It challenged me to make the next step and invite them over for a meal or a BBQ, or spend more time getting to know not just the people on either side, but further on down the road.

In other news, today we had our church's commencement service. I made one of the kid's cry during the puppet show when the monkey wouldn't come back to life...OK, so you had to be there to understand...and we farewelled JT. Fare thee well buddy!


Goldy said...

Brother, I thought your kids spot was very very good. Funny, clear, interesting to all ages & with a simple, clear and memorable message. Job well done!
The kid crying was just a bonus.....

Anonymous said...

I thought the kids started crying when I walked onto the stage not when the monkey wouldn't come to life.

Anonymous said...

Great idea - setting aside a time to encourage people to have meals with their neighbours. We've been planning a sunday of 'lunches for 8' amongst ourselves, but 'lunches with neighbours', I like it.

Lady Grey said...

In other related news.....I see I am still not on your links! What does one have to do??
Also, dinner with little miss and friend....did we decide an actual date?

David said...

Thanks for the kudos Tim. However, real kudos must go to Shannyn for coming up with the idea and writing it. Reimer, about time we had our own 'lunch for 2' but let's go somewhere this time where the service is better. And Little Muscian- consider yourself linked, and dinner Fri week! I know I'm living in 2007- my social life is arranged around my blog!