Tuesday, January 03, 2006

All Quiet

My house guests have gone home now. I don't know what to do with myself!

Just for fun, here is a conversation between Luca (almost 2 years old) and Jodie:
Jodie- Come here to Mummy.
Luca- OK.
Jodie- You have got such an obedient spirit, don't you?
Luca- No!


JT said...

Backwards kid!

Anonymous said...

How cool are little kids!!

Anonymous said...

Now that your guests have gone you can probably go back to walking around the house nude...or is it just me that does that?

Seriously though, if you want some company, the Millar's are are only a valley and a half away.

David said...

I am now scarred for life...sorry to all the female readers out there! (Come to think of it, male ones too!)