Sunday, January 08, 2006

Speaking of Medicals...

My eye doctor goes to our church. On Friday I went to see him and there were other people from church in the waiting room, so while I was waiting, 2 or 3 people waved to me and called out my name and came over to talk.

Today I found out that the guy who saw the doctor after me was a little confused. When he went in to see the doctor, he asked 'who was that guy out there?'

The doctor explained that I was a minister. The guy said 'Oh! So many people in the waiting room knew him, I thought he was a rock star!'

I guess its about time for another hair cut eh?


JT said...

Keep it growing I say!

JT said...

Oh BTW, I met a guy named Andre Wheeler tonight, nice guy. Also met another couple of people from College, and I'm so pumping!! I reckon it's gonna rock! Of all things it's motivated me to do Greek in the next few weeks (?), get it under control so I can spend more time with people without stressing about workload so much. First step is coming down to earth..

David said...

Did you go to CIM?

Anonymous said...

Rock on dude!

Anonymous said...

Rock Star Dave's debut album, featuring such hits as:

* Mistzal Mountain Hop
* Minister Jones
* Kickstart My Heart (the Rev Rev mix)

I'll end the pain there.

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you that someone thinking you were a rock star made me laugh out loud in my office.

And it makes me wish Australia wasn't so far away so we could hang out!

-bw said...

do you mean to tell me that I got scammed when I bought those tickets to your concert?