Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to the International Year of Deserts and Desertification.

If you know me, you know that I am a reflector. That's why I tend to like New Year's because it offers me the opportunity to do that which suits my personality- to think about the year that was, and to consider the year that will be. So today in church, I inflicted my 'reflectiveness' on the congregation. I had a series of questions which I have found very helpful in previous years as I have thought about what God has done the past year, and how I would like to grow in 2006. Hopefully you you also might find them helpful too!

Questions for Reflection:
1. What can you thank God for over the past year?
2. How have you grown in your relationship with Him?
3. How have you seen God answer prayers?
4. What have been your struggles?
5. How do you want God to help you overcome your struggles?
6. What can you pray for in the light of 2006?
7. How do you want to grow in:
- your knowledge of God?
- your godliness?
- in ministry to others?

Anyone want to share any answers?


Anonymous said...

I have a lot to thank God for this year!! An amazing family, a new job I love!!, a great house, old friendships renewed and new ones begun (all over the world!!), I could go on and on but those are the highlights! What an awesome God we serve!

Happy New Year!

Shannyn said...

Ah huh! I knew that you had a blogger somewhere, you slipped and left a link through JTs page.

David said...

I slipped up on my old Xanga page as well!

JT said...

What's the deal you devious fellow!?? How come you didn't tell us? All this time...

Sunday night was excellent by the way, really good questions and structure. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

In 2005, through various circumstances (but one in particular), I learned to pray fervently and to pray until God gives an answer of some sort. And though he has not yet given me an answer, I trust that He will and whatever the answer is, is what He wills for my life and it is beyond my comprehension how perfect it is whether it is the answer I was looking for or not.

Anonymous said...

Main struggles for me are:
1. not having a strong enough sense of allegiance to Christ and
2. not appreciating God's sovereignty as much as I should.

To this end I think I should be praying for greater humility before God and for a deepening trust in his eternal goodness.

Get these right and I'd be pretty much perfect (JOKE. THIS LAST SENTENCE WAS A JOKE. HAHA? )

-bw said...

I had a think, and I have written a response here.